Are You Ready for Change?
Do you want to Explore
New Realities of a Unique Spiritual Path?
Are You Ready To be Empowered
to Connect Your Inner World with your Outer World?
Reaching for Higher Consciousness:
To the Seeker of Higher Spiritual Truths
The Way of the Ascended Masters for Seekers
Who Want to Be Spiritual Warriors
Spiritual warriors sense Armageddon is going on right now and this armageddon (war) is the attempt to control the minds and hearts of all of us ‘little people.’
This war is going on at every level of the world-wide culture.
The spiritual warrior understands changing and growing your inner being may be key to winning this war because the aligned strength of your heart and mind can keep you tuned to your higher self and its wise directives.
The spiritual warrior, like you and like me, understands there is a bigger picture because the future is affected by the actions we take on a daily basis to create change in the world:
- the world of our inner being (the microcosmic world) and
- the world of the planet and her people (the macrocosmic world).
The way of the spiritual warrior begins when:
- you acknowledge you need to change,
- when you are willing to take action to gain personal mastery
- while increasing your relationship with your Higher Self.
A spiritual warrior like all soldiers, acknowledges the need for teachers and leaders who already walk the path and are ahead of them.
The spiritual warrior is willing to follow inner and outer directions and do what it takes to increase self mastery.
The Spiritual Warrior is willing to walk a path to greater self mastery by:
1. Learning, practicing and using spiritual tools which create profound change.
2. Strengthening their tie to the Presence of God within.
3. Being willing to face whatever happens, because this will hasten personal and planetary victory over evil.
4. Joining a Community of the Holy Spirit with others also pursuing self mastery.
You win your victory because you give yourself to help others while growing on your inner path.
If you want to learn to be a spiritual warrior using the wisdom of the ascended masters, you are in the right place.
We have been waiting for you.
We help you gain self mastery using classes, courses and resources on this site and from The Summit Lighthouse (
The classes, courses and resources are intended to help you aquire a foundation for your spiritual mastery.
All these teachings come from the teachings of the ascended masters, the primary teachers for this planet.
These masters gained their personal victory. The Ascended Masters never again have to come back to earth because one and all have won their ascension, just as Jesus, as Elijah and as other great people from the past who demonstrated their ascension in full view of at least one person.
This outer demonstration shows the way we all are intended to follow. We demonstrate more and more mastery until at last we fulfill the work we promised we would do while on earth.
Reaching for Higher Consciousness
The western culture does not recognize or encourage the growth of the spiritually aware soul.
It is only recently with the opening of the door of opportunity to learn the highest Teachings from our dearest friends, the Ascended Masters, that we now can expand our awareness and truly grow as spiritual beings.
Why Choose Us:
Step onto the Path
Follow Your Heart’s Intuition
Become Who You are Meant to Be
Reaching for Higher Consciousness Webinars Help You:
- Walk your Spiritual Path Learning True Teachings;
- Access Higher Consciousness Using Secret Wisdom from the Masters to Guide you & to Teach you;
- Use Synergistic Techniques for Expanding Consciousness;
- Learn Essential Teachings to Transform Yourself…
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Keynote to Our Messenger
A keynote ties you to the Electronic Presence of the Master. You too, have a keynote. Do you know what it is?
Heart Head Hand Decree
Give this decree daily to win your ascension! It contains everything you need.